
>> Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I sent my vampire cows story in to the Writer's Digest Popular Fiction contest, under the fantasy category. It's entitled Put a Stake in It! It was somewhat inspired by my friend Morgan, who suggested similar titles that didn't quite fit. So that's what I finally came up with one morning while watching my daughter. My husband doesn't like it, and informed me so today. He was then subjected to a short rant about how I didn't care if he didn't like it, it's my story and my title and I like it, which is all that matters.

Then he said, "Boy, once you make up your mind, you really don't budge, do you?"

Usually, no. Especially when I didn't ask for your input to begin with. Ahem.

Figured out some new stuff for my nanowrimo story. I have a small, brief character profile for my main character, and I have a sketchy idea for the ending of my book, which is (as always) subject to change.

Now I just need to figure out my other characters before the contest starts...


Abhorrent.Phantasm October 28, 2008 at 8:05 PM  

xD Figuring out other characters might just be a good idea. *sighs* I need to get my plot off the computers at school before Friday. Silly me.

On a side note: I absolutely adore your story title. :D

Anonymous October 28, 2008 at 8:12 PM  

haha. Poor guy. I dig the title, though. :)
Good luck with NaNo! I like to sit at my computer at midnight on Halloween, all ready to start writing, and realize that I haven't figured out names and such for my characters. (Though I always INTEND to plan ahead. I'm not much of a planner when it comes to my writing.) I'm not sure I'd recommend it.