Happy Easter!

>> Sunday, April 12, 2009

For all of those who celebrate Easter, I hope that today was a very peaceful and joyous occasion for you. For my own family, we had a good Easter, if a rather uneventful one. And yet, that does not bother me too much. My days are so hectic since I started working again that I can use some peaceful, uneventful weekends. There's time enough for the craziness of easter egg hunts and the like next year, when our daughter is old enough for them.

My daughter is one year old now. She had her birthday last weekend, just before Easter. It is hard to believe that a whole year has gone by already. She's growing up so fast.

In terms of my writing, I haven't been able to do as much as I'd like since my evenings are so hectic after work, but my daughter is starting to sleep until mornings now, and so I'm able to get a little writing in again on some nights. I'm trying really hard to finish up my novel, Anemone's Song, and I'm looking at markets for my short story about the vampire cows. I'm really hoping to get published this year, whether it's a short story or a novel (looking doubtful on this front, given the current pace of my writing), or poetry. I just hope it's soon.

You see, I have really been wanting to re-dye my hair red. I have this obsession with red hair since I think it's so beautiful, and I used to dye it back in college. Long story short, I went back to brown, my natural color, before I got married, and so I've been a brunette for a couple of years or so now. But I really want to dye my hair red again. Only I decided that I won't allow myself to dye my hair again until I get published.

I'm hoping it will serve as extra motivation to get more writing done and to keep plugging away at trying to get published. I'm just afraid that now that I've promised myself that, I'll never have red hair again...


shield maiden April 12, 2009 at 10:12 PM  

Quilly, I believe in you! You'll get your red hair back again :). I understand the need for motivation though and well as trying to work with busy days and nights.

If you ever need my help on anything, let me know!!! I'll definitely be a beta reader for your novel if you wish (when it is completed). I would also be more than willing to look over your short story again.

I hope you had a blessed Easter! Send a pic of Eileen sometime so I can see how big she's getting!


Echo April 13, 2009 at 6:07 PM  

I can't believe it's been a year! One of these days I need to visit you so I can meet your daughter.
And I believe in you! Your hair will be red before the year is out! :)