The Write Direction

>> Thursday, March 4, 2010

Writing gives me a sense of direction, a purpose in life beyond the day to day chores and stress and trivialities. I have realized this anew in the last few days while my husband has commandeered the computer in the evenings to work on his projects and school work before his finals. I haven't felt so cut off or purposeless during my evenings for a long time. I feel as if I don't quite know what to do with myself, never mind all of the other chores to attend to. I suppose it's because evening, in my mind, are a chance to relax and enjoy myself, and I feel like I'm being robbed of that, somehow.

Anemone's Song is coming along. Albeit very slowly this week. Last week, I reached a point in the book that I really enjoyed writing the first time around, and it's just as enjoyable typing it up, if not more. Anticipation of finishing up this typing is high, although the end is nowhere in sight.